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Wie wird Leder hergestellt? – Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen

How is leather made? - A look behind the scenes

Wie wird Leder hergestellt? – Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen

How is leather made? - A look behind the scenes

Hello and welcome to our blog! I am Ralf Wagner, a passionate bag maker from Hamburg with over 15 years of experience in leather processing. Today I would like to give you a comprehensive insight i...

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Alles, was du über Lederwaren wissen musst: Ein umfassender Leitfaden

Everything You Need to Know About Leather Goods: A Comprehensive Guide

Leather goods have a long tradition and are very popular worldwide. They combine elegance, durability and functionality in a unique way. In this blog article we delve deep into the world of leather...

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Wie du die perfekte Ledertasche für deinen Alltag auswählst

How to choose the perfect leather bag for your everyday life

Are you looking for the perfect leather bag for your everyday life? With so many options on the market, choosing can be difficult. In this article I will show you what you should pay attention to i...

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10 Tipps zur Pflege deiner Lederwaren für eine lange Lebensdauer

10 tips for caring for your leather goods for a long lifespan

Hello leather lovers! Leather goods are an investment that, if cared for properly, can last a lifetime. In this post I will give you ten practical tips on how to keep your leather products in top c...

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Warum du auf handgefertigte Lederwaren setzen solltest

Why you should choose handmade leather goods

Hello leather lovers! Leather goods are an investment that, if cared for properly, can last a lifetime. In this post I will give you ten practical tips on how to keep your leather products in top c...

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Die besten Ledergeschenke für Frauen: Von Handtaschen bis Schmuck

The Best Leather Gifts for Women: From Handbags to Jewelry

Are you looking for the perfect gift for that special woman in your life? Leather goods are always a good choice. In this post I will introduce you to some of the best leather gifts for women.

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Lederaccessoires für Männer: Must-Haves für jeden Stil

Leather accessories for men: must-haves for every style

Hey men! Leather accessories are a must for every style-conscious man. Not only are they practical, they also add that certain something to every outfit. Here are some must-haves that shouldn't be...

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